1985 : Ph.D., Philosophy of Science, University of London.
Thesis : ‘Identity and Individuality in Classical and Quantum Physics’.
Supervisor : Prof. Michael Redhead.
1978 : B.Sc. (Hons.), Physics, University of Newcastle - Upon -Tyne.
May 2002-present Professor of Philosophy of Science, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Leeds.
Aug. 2000 - May 2002: Reader, School of Philosophy, University of Leeds.
Aug. 1995 - Aug. 2000: Senior Lecturer, School of Philosophy, University of Leeds.
Aug. 1993 - Aug. 1995: Lecturer, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Leeds.
1989 - 1993: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion, Southeast Missouri State University.
Dec. 1988 - Aug. 1989: On leave of absence. Part-time teacher, Refugee Program, Houston Community College, Houston, Tx.
Aug. 1985 - Dec. 1988: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, State University of Campinas, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
1981 - 1984: Part - Time Lecturer, Dept. of General Studies, City of London Polytechnic, London, U.K.
1981 - 1985: Part - Time Lecturer at various Colleges of Further Education, London.