Programmes des colloques depuis 2000 - Conference Programs since 2000
SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING, AUGUST, 2-3. 2024., Sapienza University, Rome
Thursday, August 1st: Arrival of participants
Friday, August 2nd
Venue: La Sapienza University, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Roma RM, Italia
9: 00 Welcome of the participants
9:15 Alberto Cordero: Scientific Understanding and Truth
9:45 Beishui Liao: The Philosophical Foundations, Basic Characteristics, and Methodologies of
Machine Ethics
10:15 Lorenzo Magnani: The Use of Mathematics as Scientific Understanding
10:45-11:00 Coffee break
11:00 Chen Bo: Hume, Russell and JIN Yuelin on Causation: A Comparative Study
11:30 Gerhard Heinzmann: On the Demarcation between science and pseudo-science
12:00 Demetris Portides: The function of Abstraction and Idealizations in Scientific
12.30 Marta Bertolasso: Explaining Carcinogenesis: How Scientific Practices Converge Toward a New Conceptual Framework
13:00-14:30 Lunch break
14:30 Fabio Minazzi: Scientific Understanding between empiricism and transcendentalism
15:00 Chrysostomos Mantzavinos: The Constitution of Science
15:45 Liu Fenrong: Integrating Social Dynamics in Epistemic Logic: A New Framework for
Understanding Belief Formation and Revision
Coffee break
16:15 Jure Zovko: Understanding as a Component of Scientific Explanation
16:45 Peter Vickers: When does one know that one (factively) understands?
17:15 Alexandre Guay: Understanding possibilities in the Lagrangian formalism 17:45-18:00
Coffee break
18:00 Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano: Basic concepts of the general theory of systems
18:30 Saturday, August 3rd
14.45 Bas van Fraassen, Otavio Bueno, Anjan Chakravartty & Michel Ghins: What is
Scientific Understanding?- Panel discussion moderated by Jure Zovko
17:00 General Assembly
20:00 Gala dinner
Sunday, August 4th Departure
Models & Representations in Science, September 25 to 30, 2023, Organised by the Seminar for Systematic Theology
(Faculty for Protestant Theology, Muenster)
of the University of Münster
Tuesday 26th of September
9.00-9.30 Welcome of Participants
Chair: Hans-Peter Grosshans
Speakers: Prof. Michael Quante, Vice-Rector
of the University of Münster
Prof. Jure Zovko, President of AIPS
9.30-10.15 Johan van Benthem: The importance of representation in enabling logical reasoning
10.15-11.00 Itala Loffredo d’Ottaviano: On Peirce's "Triadic Logic"
11.00-11.15 Coffee Break
11.15-12.00 Chen Bo: "Benacerraf's Problems" in Logic
12.00-12.45 Hannes Leitgeb: On NonRepresentational Parts of Models
13:00-15:30h Lunch Break
15.30-16.15 Demetris Portides: Idealization and Abstraction in Scientific Models
16.15-17.00 Michel Ghins: A defense of the structural view of scientific representation
17.00-17.45 Jean-Guy Meunier: Modeling computer assisted conceptual analysis from philosophical texts
17.45-18.00 Coffee Break
18.00-18.45 Pablo Lorenzano: Models and theory construction: structuralist and models in scientific practice programs
18.45-19.30 Bernard Feltz: Modelising and simulating in biology: a comparative approach
Wednesday 27th of September
9.00-9.45 Atocha Llera Aliseda: Models of change
9.45-10.30 Jure Zovko/Jörn Witt: Diagnosis as an explanatory model of reality: Philosophical-medical approaches.
10.30-11.15 Lorenzo Magnani: Model-based scientific cognition as epistemic warfare
11.15-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-12.15 Hans-Jörg Rheinberger: Modeling in Experimentation
13:00-15:30 Lunch Break
15.30-16.15 Gerhard Schurz: The Principle of Total Evidence: Justification and Political Significance
16.15-17.00 Gino Tarozzi: Non-standard realistic models of quantum phenomena and new forms of complementarity
17.00-17.15 Coffee Break
17.15-18.00 Jesus Pedro Zamora Bonilla: Models and representations in an inferential-deflationary view of scientific knowledge
18.00-18.45 Marco Buzzoni: Thought experiments and computer simulations: a comparison
Thursday 28th of September
9.00-9.45 Alberto Cordero: Models and representation in functional realism
9.45-10.30 Anjan Chakravartty: Models of science education and representations of science
10.30-11.15 Martin Carrier: Model-building in practice-driven research
11.15-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-12.15 Gregor Schiemann: Scientific Worldviews and Models in Hermann von Helmholtz and Werner Heisenberg
12.15-13.00 Jan Faye: Models or theories: what is the real representation in Science?
13:00-15:00 Lunch Break
15.00-15.45 Hans-Peter Grosshans: What do models in theology represent?
15.45-16.30 Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt: Model and Normativity: On the Relation of Nature – Technology– Ethics
16.30-19.30 General Assembly
Friday 29th of September
9.00-9.45 Harvey Brown: Do symmetry principles explain conservation laws in physics? Lessons from the modern (first) Noether theorem
9.45-10.30 Dennis Dieks: Factivity of Representation in Science
10.30-11-15 Otavio Bueno: Empiricism and microscopy
11.15-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-12.15 James McAllister: Are empirical data representations?
12.15-13.00 Reinhard Kahle: Hilbert on sciences
13:00-15:30 Lunch Break
15.30 City tour & visit to the museums in Münster
Saturday 30th of September
Personal city exploration / Departure
Justification, Creativity, and Discoverability in Science, 17th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Buenos Aires 24-29 July, 2023
Symposium: Justification, Creativity, and Discoverability in Science - Académie Internationale
de Philosophie des Sciences
Chair: Gerhard Heinzmann
Jure Zovko: The Role of Judgment in Scientific Discovery
Alberto Cordero: Ontological Commitment and Creativity
Michel Ghins: Induction to Justify, Abduction to Discover
Gerhard Heinzmann: Evidence, Creativity and Discoverability in Mathematics: the Example of
Andrew Arana: Intuition and creativity: the Japanese perspectives of Kitaro Nishida and Gaisi
Atocha Aliseda: The Place of Logic in Creative Reason
Justification, Creativity, and Discoverability in Science. University of Pavia, September 26-October 1, 2022
Monday, September 26th, 2022
Arrival of participants Palazzo Vistarino Guest House
Tuesday, September 27th, 2022
9:00-9:30h Welcome of Participants, Palazzo Vistarino Chair: Prof. Lorenzo Magnani
Speakers: Prof. Luca Vanzago, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy Prof. Luca Fonnesu, Director of the Philosophy Section Prof. Jure Zovko, President of AIPS
Session I
9:30-10:30h Marco Buzzoni
Method, Creativity, and Serendipity in Scientific Research
10:30-11:00h Coffee Break 11:00-12:00h Michel Ghins
Justifying scientific beliefs: antipragmatist and antinaturalist perspective
11:45-12:30h Alberto Cordero
Judgment and Diachronic Assessment in Objective Science
12:00-15:00h Lunch Break
Session II
15:00-16:00h Alberto Cordero
Ontological Commitment, Creativity, and Justification in Science
16:00-17:00h Vincenzo Fano
Thought experiments in empirical science. Necessary but unreliable
Wednesday, September 28th, 2022
Session III
9:00-10:00h Jure Zovko
The Role of Judgment in Scientific Discovery
10:00-11:00h Jean-Pierre Descles
Plausible hypothesis constructed by abduction: some exam- ples of discovery in sciences
11:00-12:00h Hans-Peter Grosshans
The concept of Creativity in respect to the sciences – Reflections on some problems
12:00-15:00h Lunch Break
Session IV
15:00-16:00h Gerhard Schurz
The Optimality of Meta-Induction: A New Account to Hume's Problem
16:00-17:00h Fabio Minazzi
On scientific creativity and its constrains
Thursday, September 29th, 2022
Session V
9:00-10:00h Gerhard Heinzmann
Justification, Creativity and Discoverability in Mathematics: the Example of Predicativity
10:00-11:00h Reinhard Kahle
Justifying Axioms
11:00-11:30h Coffee Break 11:30-12:30h Dennis Dieks
Continuity and Discontinuity in Theory Change
12:00-15:00h Lunch Break 15:00-16:00h Mario Alai
Can we Recognize Future-proof Science, and How?
16:30-19:00h General Assembly 20:00h Gala diner
Friday, September 30th, 2022
Session III
10:00-11:00h Hans-Jörg Rheinberger
On the Moment of Creativity in Science – Two Vistas
11:00-12:00h Lorenzo Magnani
Discoverability-The Critical Need for and Ecology of Human Creativity
The Relevance of Judgment for Philosophy of Science, Conference of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences 2021, University of Zadar Program:
Tuesday, October 12th, 2021
Arrival of participants
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Welcome of Participants, Ceremonial Hall of the University of Zadar
Chair: Prof. Jure Zovko
Speakers: Prof. Dijana Vican, President of the University of Zadar
Prof. Marko Vučetić, Head of the Department of Philosophy
Prof. Gerhard Heinzmann, President of AIPS
Session I
Jure Zovko - The Role of Judgment in Scientific Method
Michel Ghins - How to Judge the Truth Conduciveness of the Theoretical Virtues of a Scientific Theory?
Evandro Agazzi - The Ontological Commitment of Judgment in Science
Alberto Cordero - Judgment and Diachronic Assessment in Objective Science
Session II
Jean-Guy Meunier (online) - Conceptual Models and Judgement in Computer Engineering Sciences
Mario Alai (online) - How Should We Judge Current Scientific Theories?
Johan van Benthem (online) - The Surplus of Judgment in Logic
Gerhard Heinzmann - The Relevance of Judgment for Mathematical Reasoning: Poincaré Against the Logicians, Revisited
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Session III
James Mc Allister - The Role of Emotion in Scientists’ Judgement: A Rationalist Account
Gino Tarozzi - Does Neo-empiricist Refutation of Kant’s Synthetic A Priori Judgments Rule out the Possibility of Meaningful Philosophical Principles?
Fabio Minazzi (online) - Epistemology, Axiology and Scientific Knowledge
Hans-Peter Grosshans - Judgment in Hermeneutics
Session IV
Reinhard Kahle (online) - The Question “Why?”
Lorenzo Magnani (online) - Discoverability in Scientific Abductive Cognition
Jean Petitot (online) - The notion of "alternative judgment" in Kant's Phoronomy
General Assembly
Gala diner
Friday, October 15, 2021
Session V
Chen Bo (online) - Quine’s Naturalism: Clarification and Vindication
Bernard Feltz - Language, Causality, Neuroscience and Free Will
Predrag Šustar - The Knowability of Biological Laws
Dennis Dieks - Judgments and Perspectives in Natural Science
Scientific committee: Anne Fagot-Largeault, Dominique Lambert. In recent decades, new technologies have changed our understanding of the human body. This symposium is addressed to probe the philosophical implications of some major shifts in medical and biological sciences with respect to cognitive and ethical values. Examples to be discussed concern three big areas. The first is the digital access to data: for example studies of microbiota concerning the intestinal, vaginal, dermal, buccal, ocular etc. have a great success, but also lead to the danger of the enslavement and the manipulation of the crowds. The second area, artificial intelligence, brings a new dimension to image interpretation in radiology, pathology, oncology, dermatology, tumor growth modeling, genomics, drug discovery and pharmacovigilance. How to respond to the challenge of trust and how to define the legal personality involved? The third area, theranostics, is one step towards a more personalized medicine by delivering therapy and then examining the effect. Originally used to study the genome in order to classify people according to the type of disease or fragility they may have, theranostics is now used by companies like 23andMe, Navigeniss, Illumina etc. to provide people with the deciphering of their genome, which presumably could be useful for the diagnosis of diseases, or even the prediction of possible weaknesses and damages. In this respect, the problem of inequality between individuals and social groups induced by the costs of these targeted therapies arises in all its sharpness.
Monday, 12 August 2019
Welcome of Participants & Opening (Gerhard Heinzmann)
Anne Fagot-Largeault, Mechanical personal medicine
Dominique Lambert & Bernard Ars, Artificial Intelligence and robotics in medicine: new challenges for ethics?
Sabina Leonelli, Five ways in wich Big Data threaten the credibility of science
Atocha Aliseda, Clinical reasoning: a view from pragmatism
Marco Buzzoni, From clinical evaluations to laboratory research and back again: Medicine as a Human Science.
René Rezsohazy, Genes, genomes and phenomes: fuzzy concepts, fuzzy relationships, fuzzy perspectives for a biological definition of man.
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Giuseppe Longo, When "information" replaces causality, Big Data replace knowledge.
Alberto Cordero, On selecting the next Generation
Lorenzo Magnani, Deep Learning, Big Data and Locked Strategie
Ion Stamatescu, The (European) Human Brain Project - reach, comments and insights
Valentin A. Bazhanov, Why Lysencoism lasted for decades? Vulgar sociocentrism vs naturalism in Soviet biology
Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano, Systemic thinking
Assemblée Générale de l'Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences.
SCIENCE'S VOICE OF REFLECTION,The philosopher of science as part of the scientific endeavour. Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the Universiteit van AmsterdamAmsterdam, September 4-7, 2018
Tuesday, 4 September 2018 Opening (Gerhard Heinzmann & Benedikt Löwe)Sonja Smets, Where logic meets the social sciences
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Gregor Schiemann, Epistemology of the LHC
Jean-Guy Meunier, Modeling the mind: bridging philosophy and cognitive sciences
Valentin A. Bazhanov, The detour heuristic influence of philosophy upon science: the cases of ideologized science and Kant's program in neuroscience
Plenary discussion about the role of the philosopher of science in the natural and social sciences
Michel Ghins, Scientific realism and scientific practice
Jesús Zamora-Bonilla, Is philosophy's role to create concepts or to destroy them?
Marco Buzzoni, Methodological naturalism or transcendental disctinction? On the relationship between philosophy, science and philosophy of science
Inkeri Koskinen, Engaging through case studies: can empirical philosophy of science influence the development of trans- disciplinarity?
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Michael Detlefsen, Rigor and epistemological ideal of mathematical proof
Brigitte Falkenburg, Some remarks on the relations of Philosophy to the Sciences
Martin Carrier, Responsible Research & Innovation: Prospects & Obstacles
Alberto Cordero, On the complex interactions between Science and Philosophy of Science
Elliot Sober, Philosophical interventions in Science - a strategy and a Case Study (Parsimony)
AXIOMATIC THINKING Joint conference of the Academia das Ciências de Lisboaand the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS)Lisbon, October 11-14, 2017
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017 Opening
Michael Detlefsen, Hilbert on Axiomatic Thinking and Rigor
Wolfram Pohlers, On the performance of axiom systems
Steve Simpson, Foundation of mathematics: an optimistic message
Peter Koellner, Two Futures: Pattern and Chaos
Michael Rathjen, Type theories, (intuitionistic) set theories and univalence
Mark van Atten, Predicativity and parametric polymorphism of BrouwerianPanel Discussion
Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017
Evandro Agazzi, The semantic function of the axiomatic method
José Ferreirós, The two sides of axiomatics
Wilfried Sieg, Proofs as objects: a pivotal thought
Marco Buzzoni, Are there Thought Experiments in Mathematics?
Gregor Schiemann, Open Mathematization-On the Tension between Plurality and Unity of Scientific Knowledge in David Hilbert’s “Axiomatic Thinking”
Daniel Vanderveken, A Simple Formulation of the Logic of First Level Attitudes, Action and Illocutions
Fabio Minazzi, Axiomatic Thinking and Philosophy – From neo-scholastics logic to neo-realism
Friday, Oct. 13, 2017
Michel Ghins, Axiomatized systems, scientific laws and laws of nature
Dennis Dieks, Going to the Essence of Things: von Neumanns Axiomatization of Quantum Mechanics
Mario Alai, Scientific realism and the empirical underdetermination of theories
Lorenzo Magnani, Knowledge in motion. How knowledge transfer in science affects eco-cognitive openness, creativity, and epistemic responsability
Olga Pombo, The seriousness of the arbitrary claim
Valentin Bazhanov, Revolution in Social and Cultural Neuroscience: Impact on Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
Saturday, Oct. 14, 2017
Paul Weingartner, Axiomatic Thinking – Applied to Religion
Itala D’Ottaviano, Contradiction, consistency and the paraconsistent perspective in the Western thought: from Heraclitus to New da Costa
Alberto Cordero, Selectivism: An Approach Long in the Making
Technische Universität Dortmund, Campus-Treff, October 28-30, 2016. Friday October 28, 2016
Opening : Gerhard HEINZMANN (Nancy), Brigitte FALKENBURG (Dortmund), Gregor SCHIEMANN (Wuppertal).
I.- Mechanistic Explanation: Conceptions, Objections, and Defence.
Stathis PSILLOS (Athens): Mechanisms, Then and Now.
Brigitte FALKENBURG(Dortmund): Mechanistic Explanations: History, Scope, and Limitations.
Dennis DIEKS (Utrecht): Explanation and Mechanisms in Physics.
Marco BUZZONI (Macerata): Multilevel Reality and Mechanistic Explanations.
Itala M. Loffredo D'OTTAVIANO (São Paulo): Autonomous Action in Complex Mechanical Systems: A Real Dilemma?
Joëlle PROUST (Paris): Metacognition and the Role of Mechanistic Explanations in the Philosophy of Mind.
Saturday October 29, 2016
Jan FAYE (Copenhagen): Causal Mechanism, Complexity, and the Environment.
Michel GHINS (Louvain): Mechanistic Explanation: An Extension and a Defence.
II.- Explaining Complex Systems: Case Studies from Physics and Biology.
Margaret MORRISON (Toronto): Turbulence and the Problems of Explanation in Multi-Scale Modelling.
Michela MASSIMI (Edinburgh): Three Methodological Cheers for Perspectivism in High Energy Physics.
Ion-Olimpiu STAMARESCU (Heidelberg): Explanation, the Progress of Physical Theories, and Computer Simulations.
Bernard FELTZ (Louvain): Philosophical Issues of Mathematical Modelling in Life sciences. From Self-Organization to Autonomy.
III.- Explanation, Causation, Representation.
Paul WEINGARTNER (Salzburg): The Need for Pluralism of Causality
Sunday October 30, 2016
Jure ZOVKO (Zagreb): Is Inference to the best Explanation a Myth?
Vincenzo FANO (Urbino): Computation and Reality.
Gino TAROZZI (Urbino): The Lack of Causal Explanation in Quantum Mechanics.
THE EUROPEAN CRITICAL RATIONALISMUniversità degli dell’Insubria, Varese, 28-29 Settembre 2015 Greetings of the Authorities:Alberto COEN PORISINI, Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi dell’Insubria Roberto MARONI, Governatore della Lombardia Stefano Bruno GALLI, Regione Lombardia Nicola GUNNAR VINCENZI, Presidente della Provincia di Varese Attilio FONTANA, Sindicato di Varese
Evandro AGAZZI (Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, emerito dell’Università degli Studi di Genova, Presidente dell’ Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences, di Bruxelles), Rationalist Metaphysics in Italy.
Vladislav LEKTORSKIJ (Russian Academy of Sciences), Critical Rationalism in the Russian Philosophy of the XX Century.
Jean PETITOT (Directeur d’études émérite à l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris), Actualité du rationalisme critique en physique et en sciences cognitives.
Ettore BRISSA (emerito dell’Università di Heidelberg), Hans Albert-Chevalier seul face au défi de la Deutsche Idéologie (Siècle XX).
Marina LAZZARI (Centro Internazionale Insubrico), Heidegger and Kant
Giuliano BROGGINI (Centro Internazionale Insubrico), Husserl and Kant
Rossana VENEZIANO (Centro Internazionale Insubrico), Martinetti and Kant
Fabio MINAZZI (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Direttore scientifico del Centro Internazionale Insubrico), The Critical rationalism neoilluminista in Milan: from Banfi to Preti.
Jan WOLENSKI (Jagiellonian University, Kraków), “Logic in moral of thought and speech“ as the basic principle of critical rationalism in Poland.
Veronica PONZELLINI (Centre Internazionale Insubrico), Banfi and Kant
Paolo GIANNITRAPANI (Centro Internazionale Insubrico), Russel and Kant
Stefania BARILE (Centro Internazionale Insubrico), Is there a rationalist aesthetic?
Evandro AGAZZI, Memories of Jean-Marie Van Cangh and presentation of three books edited by F. Minazzi:- L’Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (2015)- Sulla filosofia della scienza di Evandro Agazzi (2015)- Sul bios theoretikós di Giulio Preti (2015)
Concerto per pianoforte: Kingsley Elliot Kaye, PURE MUSIC, dialogo...Incontro con le scuole superiori di Varese sul problema della ragione oggi (Evandro AGAZZI, Ettore BRISSA, Fabio MINAZZI, Jean PETITOT).Visita alle collezioni artistiche di Villa Panza a Varese. Interventi di Rolando BELLINI (Academia di Brera, Milano) e Paola PIATTI (delegata del Comitato regionale del FAI). Minazzi:
SCIENTIFIC REALISM : OBJECTIVITY AND TRUTH IN SCIENCE. A Coruña, Campus Ferrol, 22-25 September 2015. Prologue at the Pazo de Mariñan, 22 September 2015.Round Table on “Formal Sciences, Objectivity, and Truth:”
Gerhard HEINZMANN,The Problem of Objectivity in Mathematics
Jean Guy MEUNIER, Objectivity in Cognitive Sciences
Reinhard KAHLE, Mathematical Truth Revisited
Marco BUZZONI, Robustness and Scientific Realism
Presentation of the book «Scientific Objectivity and its Contexts »:Mario ALAI, Alberto CORDERO, Evandro AGAZZI.
Main Conference at Campus Ferrol, 23-25 September 2015.
John WORRAL (London School of Economics): Structural Realism — the Only Viable Realist Game in Town.
Stathis PSILLOS (University of Athens): Scientific Realism and the neo‐Aristotelian Conception of Nature.
Dennis DIEKS (University of Utrecht): Realism and Objectivity in Quantum Mechanics.
Anastasios BRENNER (University of Montpellier): Evolving Realities: Scientific Prediction And Objectivity From the Perspective of Historical Epistemology.
Michel GHINS (University of Louvain-La-Neuve): Scientific Realism: Representation, Objectivity And Truth.
Tomasz PLACEK (University of Krakov): Real Possibilities: Does Physics Misrepresent Them?
Alberto CORDERO (City University of New York): Retention, Truth – Content and Selective Realism.
Peter ACHINSTEIN (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore): Realism v. Anti--‐Realism: What Is the Debate all about and is it Worth Debating?
Anthony O’HEAR (University of Buckingham, London): Is Global Warming a Degenerating Research Programme? Objectivity and Climate Change.
Donald GILLIES (University College London): Establishing Objective Causes in Medicine.
Alexander BIRD (University of Bristol): Is There Meta-scientific Knowledge? Against Both The No-miracles Argument and the Pessimistic Induction.
Edward ZALTA (University of Stanford): A Realistic Approach to the Mathematics Used In Science.
Hans LENK (University of Karlsruhe): A Scheme-Interpretationist Actionistic Realism.
Thomas NICKLES (University of Nevada at Reno): Heuristic, Historical Pragmatism versus Strong Scientific Realism.
Adrian MIROIU (National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest): Scientific Realism in Political Science: Actors and Institutions.
Contributed papers:
Maria Jose ARROJO (University of A Coruña): Objectivity and Truth in Communication Sciences.
Jose F. MARTINEZ-SOLANO (University of Murcia): Objectivity and Social Character of Science in Karl Popper.
Amanda GUILLAN (University of A Coruña): Realistic Components in the Conception of Pragmatic Idealism: the Role of Objectivity and the Notion of 'Fact'.
E.AGAZZI,Truth between Semantics and Pragmatics
G.HEINZMANN, Pragmatism and the Practical Turn in Philosophy of Mathematics
J.FERREIROS, Pragmatism in the Philosophy of Mathematics
M.DETLEFSEN, Peirce & the Necessity of Proof
H.LENK, An Epistemological and Action Theoretical Approach to Pragmatic Realism
D. VANDERVEKEN, Towards a Formal Pragmatics of Scientifics Discourse
M. GHINS, Pragmatic Scientific Realism
I. M. LOFFREDOD'OTTAVIANO, On Pragmatic Truth and Quasi-Truth
M.BUZZONI,The Pragmatic Turn in Philosophy of Science: Experiment, Scientific Objectivity, and the Distinction between Discovery and Justification
B.LÖWE, Practice and Cultures of Mathematics: the Practice-based Turnin the Philosophy of Mathematics
R.KAHLE, Bourbaki and Bishop: two Practical Turns in the Philosophy of Mathematics
L.SOLER, Shifts Introduced by the Practice Turn in Philosophy, History and Social Studies of Science
V. FANO, Inductive Robustness in the Acceptance of Continental Drift
Discussions avec des lycéens de classe de Terminale de la ville de Pont-à-Mousson
A.CORDERO, Pragmatism: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
F. MINAZZI, Pragmatism and Objectivity
SCIENCE, METAPHYSICS, RELIGIONŠiroki Brijeg (Bosnia-Herzegovina) 24-27 July 2013
E. AGAZZI, Re-opening the horizons
A. CORDERO, Naturalism as Science and Philosophy
M. GHINS, Causal powers as metaphysical grounds for laws of nature
F. MINAZZI, Kant’s criticism about Science, Metaphysics and Religion
P. KEMP, De la Science du Langage à la compréhension de la Religion
D. PEĖNJAK, God, nothing and purposeful Universe
M. BUZZONI, Science, Metaphysics and intercultural understanding
J. ZOVKO, Philosophy of Religion without Metaphysics?
H. BARREAU, La Métaphysique à mi-chemin de la Science et de la Religion
G. HEINZMANN, The Concept of Forgiveness :a case study on the interrelation between Metaphysics, Faith and Logic
Paolo MUSSO, Maths, God and the immortality of the Soul
G. TAROZZI, The reality of nothing in quantum mechanics
M. ALAI, Explanatory Realism
E. ORMAN, Religion, Metaphysics and Science in Hegelian Philosophy
H.-P. Großhans, Contingency, Religion, God
THE LEGACY OF ALAN M. TURING Urbino, Italie, 24-27 septembre 2012(Cesena, Teatro Bonci)- Round Table on : "The Legacy of Alan M. Turing"Chairman : Daniele Mundici (University of Florence)Speakers: Evandro Agazzi (AIPS Chair) and Gregory Chaitin (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Concert in honor of A.M. Turing : Suite in Five Movements For Alan Turing (Project by Franco Pollini, Written by Fabrizio Sirotti, directed by Gabriele Marchesini)
E. AGAZZI, The multifaceted Legacy of A.M. Turing
T. ARECCHI,The role of consciousness in two different cognitive ask : apprehension and judgment
M. BUZZONI, Is Frankestein a machine or artificially created human life? Intentionality between Searle and Turing
L. FLORIDI,Turing’s Three Philosophical Lessons and the Philosophy of Information
J. FAYE, Is Turing test sufficient for ascribing consciousness to a machine?
M. NEGROTTI,The Turing Test and the technology of the artificial. Theoretical and methodological issues
I. D’OTTAVIANO, Disguiser technology and the Turing test : implications for personal identity
J.-G. MEUNIER, Computors and computers : Turing and cognition
J. PETITOT, Complexité et auto-organisation depuis Turing
L. MAZZOLI & F. GIGLIETTO, Social systems : from simulation to observation
F.MINAZZI,Turing and the epistemological value of the general concept of formal system
D. MUNDICI,Turing, the mathematician
J.-P. DESCLÉS, A.M. Turing et la logique des opérateurs
V. FANO & P. GRAZIANI, Non verifiability of mechanism
R. OMNÈS, Is physical randomness a manifestation of Turing’s algorithmic complexity in quantum mechanics ?G.CHAITIN,Turing as a biologist
G. TAROZZI and C. CALOSI , Mind as a quantum computer?
REPRESENTATION AND EXPLANATION IN THE SCIENCES Louvain-la-Neuve Institut Supérieur de Philosophie (UCL)26-28 avril 2011
E. AGAZZI, Representation and Scientific Realism
M. GHINS, Representation and the loss of reality objection
B. van FRAASSEN, Explaining-How Via Representation
S. PSILLOS, Representing is Perspectival, the Represented is not
A. CORDERO, Explanatory Elucidation and Scientific Realism
I. PESCHARD, Are Empirical Representations Causally Explained by Phenomena?
J. FAYE, Explanation and Representation back and forth
J. ZOVKO, Hermeneutics as a Form of Explanation
J. ZAMORA, Scientific Explanation and Representation: An Inferentialist Viewpoint
M. SUAREZ, Scientific Representation: The Inferential Conception
B. FELTZ, Evolutionary Explanations in Biology
P. WEINGARTNER, Is there Teleological Order in Nature – is there Teleological Explanation in Science?
E. WEBER, The Role of Mathematics in Physical Explanation
M. DORATO, Can Purely Mathematical Representations of Physical Phenomena be Explanatory?
H. LENK, Methodological Remarks on Dynamic Functional Representation
J.-P. DESCLÉS, Comment expliquer l’activité de Langage par des représentations métalinguistiques?
R. FERRO, Reality, Knowledge of Reality, Representation of the Knowledge of Reality
D.VANDERVEKEN & C. DE SOUZA MELO, Mental and Physical Causation in Action and the Representation and Explication of Free Will
J.-G. MEUNIER, Representation: Computational or Hyper-computational
V. FANO, Interpretations without Explanations in Quantum Mechanics
P. MITTELSTAEDT, Explanation of Physical Phenomena by Laws of Nature
J. MOSTERIN, What do Cosmological Models Represent and How do they Explain?
M. BUZZONI, The Agency Theory of Causality and the Problem of Anthropomorphism
V. BAZHANOV, Abstractions and Scientific Knowledge Representation
H. BARREAU, La représentation et l'explication comme rapports entre théorie et lois dans les sciences
F. MINAZZI , Representation and Explanation in Science in the Opinion of Galilei and Einstein I. D’OTTAVIANO, Translation between Logical Systems.
SCIENCE AND INTERPRETATION Zadar, Croatie, 6-10 septembre 2010
E. AGAZZI, The hermeneutic dimension of science
P.MITTELSTAEDT,The Problem of Interpretation of Modern Physics
R. OMNÈS, On the interpretation of quantum mechanics
F. MINAZZI, Epistemology as hermeneutics of knowledge
A. CORDERO, Predictive power and the hermeneutic circle
J. ZOVKO, Hermeneutic and hypothesis
P. WEINGARTNER, Metaphysical Principles - Should they be interpreted in the light of our scientific knowledge today ?
B. KOŽNJAK, What is “poietic” in quantum mechanics
H. BARREAU, L’interprétation de la théorie de la Relativité comme une approche progressive de la réalité physique et cosmique
J. RICARD, On the theoretical interpretation of scientific data
M. GHINS, Objective representation and interpretation
EVOLUTIONISM AND RELIGION Colloque joint AIPS-AISR Florence, 19-21 November 2009
W. ARBER, Mother Nature cares actively for biological evolution
P. SCHUSTER,The theory of evolution in the light of 21st century's science
J. RICARD, Evolution: selection or self-organization?
J.-G. MEUNIER, Did Darwin really talk about evolution?
P. WEINGARTNER,The concept of chance in the theory of evolution
J. ZAMORA, Evolution, empiricism and purposeness
M. BUZZONI,Theory of evolution and scientific realism
A.CORDERO, Darwin’s theory and prediction
F. MINAZZI, Darwin’s philosophy and its epistemological sense
W. GONZÁLEZ, Darwinian Influence Beyond Biology: The Cultural Impact of Evolutionism as Philosophical Conception
V. SAROGLOU, Evolutionary psychology and religion
R. QUERALTÓ, Bio-techno evolution. Towards a new social contract
P. KEMP, Heaven and Hell of the evolution
J.-M. VAN CANGH, A Biblicist’s Reflection on Genesis 1 and 2
M. GOURGUES, « Tout a été créé par lui et pour lui » (Col.1,16) : sens et portée d’une proclamation christologique
A. HERON,The reception of Darwin in the British Churches
F. BERETTA,The response of the European Churches to Darwin
M. BORRMANS, Muslims and evolutionism
E.AGAZZI, “Intelligent design” as scientific and metaphysical concept
A. LA VERGATA, Immoral design
J.-M MALDAMÉ, Créationnisme et « intelligent design » ; remarques d’épistémologie théologique
E. AGAZZI, A systems-theoretic approach to the interrelation of natural and human sciences
J. MOSTERIN, Human versus natural, an untenable dichotomy
R. OMNÈS, On the relations between nature and society
P. WEINGARTNER, Natural and human sciences, differences and similarities
J. FAYE, Humanities without an idealistic ideology. How toovercome a myth?
P. KEMP, History as a link
F. MINAZZI,The epistemological problem of the distinction between history and science
T. ARECCHI, Coherence, complexity and creativity
G. DI BERNARDO, From physics to sociology: an epistemologicalinvestigation
A. GOMEZ, Physics and biology in the debate of social sciencesmethod
M. GHINS, Modelling in natural and social sciences
H. BARREAU, Sur les méthodes empruntées par les sciences humainesaux sciences de la nature
P. MITTELSTAEDT, Quantum physics, classical physics and the philosophy of mind
M. BUZZONI,Technical Reproducibility and Singularity : the Unconscious as the Object of Human Sciences
A.CORDERO, On the growth and expansion of intertheoretic relations between the “natural”and the “human”sciences
I. D’OTTAVIANO, On Da Costa’s Quasi-truth
C. PRIAMI, Interaction in computer and biological networks
M. DIANI, Interaction and structure in social networks
M. DORATO,Time-pluralists and time-monists: “being present” as a water-shed between the natural and the human sciences
D. VANDERWEKEN, Universal grammar and formal, natural and human features of linguistic Competence
E. AGAZZI, Le temps entre subjectivité et objectivité
J. FAYE,Temps grammatical, changement et espace temps
J.-P. DESCLÉS, Les référentiels temporels dans les langues : une approche cognitive et formelle
D. VANDERVEKEN, Le temps ramifié en logique des attitudes et de l’action : pour une conception à la Occam plutôt qu’à la Peirce-Belnap
M. BUZZONI, Causalité et temporalité du point de vue opérationnel
J. DURUP, Le temps présent, la conscience et l’irréversibilité
H. BARREAU, Du temps physique au temps cosmique :le rétablissement de la flèche du temps
P. MITTELSTAEDT, Concept of time in Physics and Cosmology.
CORDERO, Psychological Time and Foundations of Physics
J. MOSTERIN, Time and Clocks, from Aristotle to Einstein and Beyond
F. MINAZZI, The Philosophical Signifiance of Relativistic Conception of Relativity
R. OMNÈS, Le temps dans la physique quantique
G. PROSPERI, Various aspects and problems regarding the concept of time in modern physics
M. PAURI, Time, Physics and Freedom : a Root of Contemporary Nihilism
P. GOCHET, La formalisation du temps et de l’aspect en français: une approche cognitive
A. FAFOT-LARGEAULT, Ontologie du devenir
E. AGAZZI, Clôture du colloque
E. AGAZZI, The dichotomy natural-artificial in the case of life and its sciences
C. VIESCA, From homunculus to clones : a genealogy of the artificial
C. LÓPEZ BELTRÁN,The natural and the non-natural in the life sciences
E. GARCÍA PROCEL,The crossroad of immunology
A. VELASCO, Science as artifice : its political dimensions
P. KEMP,The spectre of perfecting
G. CHAITIN, Is mathematics like biology?
R. PÉREZ TAMAYO,Two Darwinisms : The biological and the metaphorical
G. DI BERNARDO, The artificial and the norms : the problems of limitation in the life science
M. CASANUOVA, Reflections on the natural and the artificial in early genetics
J.L. DÍAZ, A decalog of life : the ten principles of living organisms
A. BARAHONA, From the physiological concept of genes to the construction of genetic maps
L.F. ABREU,The artificial and the naturalness of the artificial
A.C. RODRIGUEZ, Medical logic : some historical antecedents and case studies
EPISTEMOLOGY AND THE SOCIAL Tenerife, 22-25 September 2005
E. AGAZZI, Epistemolgy and the Social : a feedback loop
J. ECHEVERRÍA, Bounded rationality in social sciences
M. GHINS, Social constructivism and the God’s eye point of view
R. QUERALTÓ,The philosophical impact of technoscience or the development of a social- pragmatic philosophy of science
A. GÓMEZ,The laws of economics and rational choice theory
A. CORDERO, Epistemology and the social in contemporary natural science
G. DI BERNARDO, Agency and causation in the human sciences
W. J. GONZÁLEZ , Economic values in the configuration of science
P. KEMP, Le regard cosmopolite
H. BARREAU, Un transcendantalisme marqué par l’histoire
U. MÄK, Scientific realism and the social science : Formulations and frontlines
J. MOSTERIN, Epistemic and social factors in the development of genetics
V. A. BAZHANOV, Social milieu and evolution of epistemology, logic and history of science : the case of Marxism
J. ZAMORA, A game-theoretic model of scientific rhetoric
B. FALKENBURG, The invisible hand: What can we know?
J. URRUTIA, Puzzles and Problems
E. AGAZZI, Operations and the Making of Scientific Objects
U. MOULINES,The Role of Empirical Operations and Model Construction in the Ontological Commitment of Science
P. MITTELSTAEDT, Operational Approach to a Logic of Quantum Physics
J. RICARD, An abstract Scientific Construction: the Concept of Networks as a Tool to Study Organization and Connection
P. WEINGARTNER, Ontology Versus Operations in the Foundations of Mathematics
CH. THIEL, On Lorenzen’s Constructivist/Operativist Approach to the Formal Sciences
E. AGAZZI, Pourquoi une philosophie des sciences ne peut se réduire à une épistémologie des sciences?
J. ECHEVERRÍA, Les différentes implications axiologiques de la science
F. MINAZZI, Le dimensioni axiologiche della ricerca scientifica
B. YUDIN,The pragmatic incorporation of ethics in scientific projects
G. DEL RE, On the cohabitation of science and absolute morals in a unitary worldview
A. CORDERO, Pluralism, scientific values, and the value of science
V. BAZHANOV, Proof as an ethical procedure
C. CASILLIeN. DE LISO, Economia, globalizzazione, umanesimo
LORENZORIA, Conferenza pubblica sui problema della Bioetica
E. AGAZZI& F. MINAZZI, La bioetica oggi : i suoi problemi e le sue sfide
M. ARTIGAS, Science and Values
H. BARREAU, La subordination de la recherche
P. KEMP, Les valeurs éthiques dans les sciences médicales
J. FAYE, Science and Values
R. QUERALTÓ, Science as technoscience : Values and their measurement
P. WEINGARTNER,The places of values in science
O. H. PESCH, Creation belief and natural sciences. A systematic theological approach
S. SYKES, Anglican and Protestant attitude toward natural sciences in Great Britain. A look back into tradition
V. SAROGLOU, L’impact de la religion sur les valeurs. Etude comparative dans 20 pays de tradition religieuse différente
J.-M. VAN CANGH,Valeurs évangéliques et fondation de la science
M. BEGZOS, Apophatic Theology and Contemporary World-View
S. G. HALL,Value and truth in the Fathers: Is there a patristic axiology?
E. AGAZZI, Sciences cognitives et anthropologie philosophique
J.-P. DESCLÉS, Diversité des langues, invariance cognitive et architecture cognitive
A. CAUTRY, Réalisme et traduction : de l’idée de nombre en Mésopotamie
J. PROUST, Objectivisme et anti-objectivisme dans les neurosciences cognitives
M. NEGRO, Corps et cognition
A. CORDERO, Conceptual variance
J. PETITOT, Phénoménologie naturalisée et modèles neuro-cognitifs
P. MITTELSTAEDT,The cognition of objects: from Kant to modern physics
F. MIRO QUESADA, L’intuition du savant et l’inspiration du poète
J. MOSTERIN, Metaphors of thinking and beyond
H. BARREAU, Les sciences cognitives et la phénoménologie
R. OMNÈS, La conscience et les quanta : un mariage contre Nature
D. VANDERVEKEN, Ontologie formelle et aspects cognitifs en logique proportionnelle et théorie de la vérité
P. WEINGARTNER, On the cognition of laws of nature (physics)
M. ARTIGAS, Cognitive sciences and philosophy of science: on R. Giere’s proposal fornaturalization of Epistemology R. QUERALTÓ, Cognitive sciences and intentionality: an unavoidable misunderstanding
O. COSTA DE BEAUREGARD, Non séparabilité quantique et télégraphie de l’information.
COMPLEXITY AND EMERGENCE, Bergamo, 10-12 May 2001
E. AGAZZI, What is Complexity?
U. MOULINES, Formal Metatheoretical Criteria of Complexity and Emergence
J. MOSTERIN, On a Mathematical Definition of Complexity
T. ARECCHI, Complexity and the Emergence of Meaning: Towards a Semiophysics”
J. PETITOT, Models of Emerging Structures in Complex Systems
M. CASARTELLI, Complexity and Emergence of Intentionalit : some Misconceptions
G. DEL RE, Emergence of Complexity and the Question of the Soul
R. OMNÈS, Emergence of Classical Physics
A. CORDERO,The Question of Emergence in Physics
B. KANITSCHEIDER, Selforganization as Intermediary Between Enigmatic Holism and Radical Reductionism
J. RICARD, Biological Information, Complexity and Emergence
H. LENK and A. STEPHAN, Levels of Complexity and Emergence
THE PROBLEM OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Copenhagen - Aarhus, 31 May - 3 June 2000
P. KEMP, Opening Adddress
E. AGAZZI, What does it mean the unity of Science?
J. FAYE,The unity of disunity
H. BARREAU, L’unité des sciences: une double tâche pour la philosophie
D. SHAPERE, Unification and reason in science
A. CORDERO,The problem of unity within a single field of Science
J.-P. DESCLÉS, L’interdisciplinarité et l’unité de la science
R. QUERALTÓ,The concept of scientific truth and the unity of Science
J. RICARD, Complexity, reductionism and the unity of science
F. COLLIN, A Difference between the Sciences of Nature and the Sciences of Man
G. PROSPERI, Experimental sciences and Human science
H. FINK, Welcome to Aarhus address
M. BUNGE,The necessary unification of the social sciences
B. KANITSCHEIDER,The Consilience approach towards the unity of science
G. HEINZMANN, Poiésis et l’unité de la rationalité
P. MITTELSTAEDT,What if quantum mechanics is universally valid?
J. MOSTERIN, Unity of cosmology and particle physics ?
B. D’ESPAGNAT, La mécanique quantique est-elle la théorie universelle ?