Roberto Giuntini
Personal Details
Date of birth 08 March 1960
Place of birth Barberino di Mugello, Italy
Citizenship Italian
Address Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia
Universit`a di Cagliari
Via Is Mirrionis 1
I-09123 Cagliari
Phone: +39 0706757299
Mobile: +39 3921506242
Skype: roberto.giuntini
Orcid: 0000-0003-2078-0297
Current Position
2001– Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Cagliari, Cagliari.
Areas of Interest
Non-classical Logics; Quantum Logic; Fuzzy and Multi-Valued Logics; Quantum Computation
and Information; Quantum Machine Learning; Quantum Artificial Intelligence.
2013 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2013 for “Professore di I fascia” (full professor)
in 01/A1–Logica matematica e matematiche complementari.
1987–1991 PhD, Department of Philosophy, University of Florence
Dissertation: Hidden Variables and Quantum Logic
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara (University of Florence) and
Prof. Dr. Peter Mittelstaedt (University of Cologne).
1979–1984 Laurea, Department of Philosophy, University of Florence.
Academic Positions
2001– Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Cagliari, Cagliari.
2018–2021 Member of the Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare “Beniamino Segre”, Accademia dei Lincei, Rome.
1998–2001 Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Cagliari, Cagliari.
1994–1996 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University of Florence
Project: The Logico-Algebraic Structures of Quantum Theory.
Honors and Awards
2023–2024 Philosopher in Residence at the Institute for Advanced Study of the Technische
Universit ̈at Munchen. ̈
2023 Corresponding Members of the Academie Internationale de Philosophie de Sciences.
2020 Jur Hronec Medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the achievements in mathematical sciences.
1998 Birkhoff-von Neumann Prize, International Quantum Structures Association (IQSA).
1987 Alexander von-Humboldt Fellowship, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Univer-
sity of Cologne (with Prof. Dr. Peter Mittelstaedt).
Academic and Scientific Service
2019 – Associate editor of Studia Logica.
2018 – Associate editor of Mathematica Slovaca.
2018 – Member of the Editorial Board of Logica Universalis.
2013 – Member of the Editorial Board of the Series Trends in Logic, Springer.
2018-2020 Member of Gruppo di lavoro TECO-D/Filosofia of the Italian Quality Research
Assessment, ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the Univer-
sity and Research Systems).
2014–2020 Member of the Steering Committee and of the Nominating Committee of the
International Quantum Structures Association (IQSA).
2017–2020 President of the Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophyb of Science (SILFS).
2015–2017 Member of the Panel of Evaluation Experts (GEV) of the Italian National Agency
for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems (ANVUR).
2010–2012 President of the International Quantum Structures Association (IQSA).
2008–2014 Member of the Steering Committee of the Societ`a Italiana di Logica e Filosofia delle Scienze (SILFS).
2013 Lead Scorer for the “Test for the generic skills of undergraduate students” (TeCo),
ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Re-
search Systems).
2011–2012 Director of the PhD Programme “Philosophy and Epistemology”, University of Cagliari.
2005–2010 Director of the PhD Programme “History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science”, University of Cagliari.
2005–2006 Delegate of the Chancellor of the University of Cagliari for E-learning.
2005–2006 Member of the Board of Directors of UNITEL (Consorzio Interuniversitario per l’Universit`a Telematica della Sardegna).
Research and Teaching Visits
03-06/2020 Visiting Scientist (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research), Institute of
Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
06-07/2019 Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Visiting Fellow, Munich Center for Mathe-
matical Philosophy, Munich
04-05/2019 Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Visiting Fellow, Technische Universit ̈at, Berlin.
2019/09 Visiting Scientist, Research Institute of the University of Bucharest, Bucharest
(declined pour force majeure).
2016/04 Visiting Scientist, Institute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-Sen University.
2013/12 Visiting Scientist, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur.
2012/03-05 Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Visiting Fellow, Institute of Philosophy II,
Ruhr University Bochum.
2012/02 Visiting Scientist, Institute of Logic, Language and Computation, University of
Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
04-12/1987 Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Fellow, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Uni-
versity of Cologne, Cologne.
Research Funding
2022-2026 MSCA Staff Exchanges 2021,; Project: Philosophical, Logical, and Experimental
routes to substructurality, Role: Partecipant. (e 90, 000). (e625,600).
2019–2020 Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS); Project: A Semantical Extension of
Quantum Computational Logic: Theory and Applications, RASSR40341. Role:
Principal Investigator. (e 90, 000).
2017 Visiting Professor Programme of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS);
Project: Syntax and Semantics of Fuzzy and Quantum Logic. Visiting Professor:
Prof. Petr Cintula. Role: Hosting Professor. (e 5, 626).
2015-2018 Marie Sk lodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE), Hori-
zon 2020, project number 689176; Project: Syntax Meets Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural Logics. Role: Partecipant.
2013-2016 Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN 2012), Italian Ministry of Uni-
versity and Research; Project: Models and Inferences: Logical, Epistemological and Cognitive Aspects. Role: Local Coordinator. (e 40, 300).
2012-2016 Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS); Project: Modelling the Uncertainty:
Quantum Theory and Machine Learning, RAS CRP-59872. Role: Principal Investigator (e 283, 489).
2013 Visiting Professor Programme of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS);
Project: Negation in Constructive Logic. Visiting Professor: Prof. Heinrich
Wansing. Role: Hosting Professor. (e 2, 885).
2010-2011 Visiting Professor Programme of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS);
Project: Algebra and Logic from Quantum Computation. Visiting Professor:
Prof. Hector Freytes. Role: Hosting Professor. (e 78, 252).
2011 Visiting Professor Programme of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS);
Project: The History and Philosophy of the Notion of Fundamental Length in
Modern Physics. Visiting Professor: Prof. Amit Hagar. Role: Hosting Professor.
(e 21, 693).
2009 Visiting Professor Programme of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS);
Project: Algebraic and Logical System of Quantum Computing. Visiting Profes-
sor: Prof. Tomasz Kowalski. Role: Hosting Professor. (e 84, 000).
2007 Visiting Professor Programme of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS);
Project: Algebraic and Logical System of Quantum Computing. Visiting Profes-
sor: Prof. Anatolij Dvureˇcenskij. Role: Hosting Professor. (e 14, 000).
1999-2001 Italian Ministery of Research and University; Project: Contextuality, Non-locality
and Lorentz Invariance: Physical, Epistemological and Logical aspects. Role:
Local coordinator.
Invited talks
1. “Supervised Classification and Quantum Mechanics”, Universit`a degli Studi Mediterranea, Reg-
gio Calabria (25/03/2023).
2. “A Quantum approach to Pattern Recognition”, PM65 Congress, Firenze (15/10/2021).
3. “Quantum-Inspired Machine Learning”, Trends in Quantum Computing and Quantum Logic,
Berlin (15/01/2021).
4. “Apprendimento automatico e Meccanica quantistica”, Lezioni del Centro Linceo B. Segre,
Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna (23/11/2020).
5. “From classical logic to the logic of quantum computation”, XXIII International School in
Philosophy of Physics, Cesena-Urbino (15/06/2020).
6. “A quantum-like approach to Machine Learning”, Institute of Logic, Language and Computa-
tion, Amsterdam (22/10/2020).
7. “From Classical Logic to the Logic of Quantum Computation”, XXIII International Summer
School in Philosophy of Physics. Philosophy of Quantum Computation, Urbino (15/06/2020).
8. “Paraorthomodular Brouwer-Zadeh lattices”, Quantum Logic & Beyond, Amsterdam,(29/04/2020).
9. “Un approccio quantistico al Machine Learning”, Lezioni del Centro Linceo B. Segre, University
of Cagliari (13/02/2020).
10. “Olismo e composizionalit`a nella logica quantistica computazionale”, Lezioni del Centro Linceo
B. Segre, University of Urbino (22/10/2019).
11. “Logiche quantistiche fuzzy”, Lezioni del Centro Linceo B. Segre, University of Bologna (22/10/2019).
12. “Paraorthomodular Brouwer-Zadeh logics”, 24th Conference Applications of Logic in Philoso-
phy and the Foundations of Mathematics, Szk larska Poreba (14/05/2019).
13. “The universal interest of quantum information: semantic applications in different fields”,
Alexander von Humboldt Workshop: Trends in Quantum Computing and Quantum Logic,
Berlino, (08/05/2019).
14. “{0, 1} e [0, 1]: dalla logica classica alla logica quantistica fuzzy”, Lezioni del Centro Linceo B.
Segre, University of Florence (29/03/2019).
15. “Paraorthomodular Brouwer-Zadeh lattices”, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Bucharest (06/12/2018).
16. “Classical and quantum degrees of truth”, Humboldt Kolleg, Proof Theory as Mathesis Univer-
salis, Villa Vigoni, Como (24-28/07/2017).
17. “From Turing to Quantum Computers”, Department of Humanities, University of Catania,
Catania (22/03/2017).
18. “S ́ı, No, Forse: un’introduzione logica alla computazione quantistica”, Department of Philoso-
phy and Communication, University of Bologna, Bologna (24/11/2016).
19. “Yes, No, Perhaps: A logical introduction to quantum computation”, Faculty of Mathematics
and Computer Science, University of Bucharest (28/11/2016).
20. “From sharp to unsharp quantum logic”, Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information:
Physical, Philosophical and Logical Approaches, Buenos Aires (16-18/06/2016).
21. “A new look at the effects of a Hilbert space”, Department of Physics, University of La Plata,
La Plata (21/06/2016).
22. “From sharp to unsharp quantum logic”, Institute of Mathematics, Slovak Academy of Science,
Bratislava (15/03/2016).
23. “A logical introduction to quantum computation”, Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences,
University of British Columbia, Kelowna (02/12/2015).
24. “Brouwer-Zadeh Lattices”, Amsterdam Quantum Logic Workshop 2015, Amsterdam (07-08/05/2015).
25. “Quantum Turing Machines, Quantum Computational Logic and Cognitive Processes”, Quan-
tum Mechanics and Quantum Information. Physical, Philosophical and Logical approaches,
Bruxelles (23-24/06/2015).
26. “Sharp and unsharp universes”, International Meeting on Quantum Correlation and Logic,
Language and Set Theory, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur (9-14/12/2013).
27. “The logic of quantum computation”, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne,
Cologne (16/05/2012).
28. “A Gentle introduction to the logic of quantum computation”, Institute of Philosophy II, Ruhr
University, Bochum (05/2012).
29. “Quantum (logical) gates and their logic(s)”, Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy
of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Utrecht, Utrecht (23/02/2012).
30. “The logic of unsharp quantum mechanics”, Institute of Logic, Language and Computation,
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (22/02/2012).
31. “Crash Course on the logic of quantum computation and information”, Institute of Logic,
Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (02/2012).
32. “The algebraic structure of an approximately universal system of quantum computational
gates”, Institute of Mathematics, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava (11/12/2011).
33. ”From classical to quantum computation: I and II”, XIV International Summer School in
Philosophy of Physics, Cesena (16-17/09/2011).
34. “The algebraic structure of an approximately universal set of quantum gates”, The Philosophy
of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Azores Islands (7-10/09/2011).
35. “An algebraic characterization of quantum computational logics”, Logics Inspired by Quantum
Computation, Bloomington, Indiana (12/05/2009).
36. “Quantum computational logics”, Facolt`a di Scienze della Comunicazione, University of Ter-
amo, Teramo (02/12/2009).
37. “Quantum computational logics”, Department of Humanities, Philosophy and Communication,
University of Bergamo, Bergamo (23/03/2009).
38. “Quantum MV-algebras”, First Sardinian-Catalan Workshop on Algebraic and Fuzzy Logic,
Cagliari (5-6/10/2007).
39. “Holistic quantum computational semantics and Gestalt-thinking processes”, Department of
Physics, University of Pavia (07/04/2006).
40. “The logic of quantum computation: results and open problems”, ESF Scientific Network Con-
ference, Philosophical and Foundational Issues in Quantum Theory Budapest (01-04/09/2005).
41. ”Reversibility and Irreversibility in Quantum Computation”, Natural Processes and Models of
Computation, Bologna, 2005 (16-18/06/2005).
42. ”From Von Neumann quantum logic to the logic of quantum computers”, Department of
Physics, University of Camerino, Camerino (20/04/2005).
43. “Quasi MV-algebras”, Institut of Mathematics, Slovak Science Academy, Institute of Mathe-
matics, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava (15/03/2005).
44. “Quantum computational logics for entangled and contextual information”, Logical aspects of
quantum information, Porto Conte, Sardinia (23-25/09/2004).
45. “Quantum computational logics and Fock space semantics”, Foundations of quantum compu-
tations, Camerino (16-18/04/2004).
46. “Quantum computational logics as complex-valued logics”, European Laboratory for Non-
Linear Spectroscopy, Firenze (27/01/2004).
47. “Quantum computational structures”, Department of Physics, University of Florence, Firenze
48. “Quantum logic and lattice theory”, V International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics,
Cesena (06/2002).
49. “Popper and the logic of quantum mechanics”, Karl Popper 2002 Symposium, Vienna (03-
50. “Logica della computazione quantistica”, Cesena (22/09/2000).
51. “QMV-algebras and quantum structures”, Biannual Meeting of the International Quantum
Structures Association, Liptovsky Jan, Slovacchia (30/08-05/09/1998).
52. “Axiomatizing QMV-algebras”, Forth Annual Meeting Florence-Stanford, Firenze (14-16/03/1997).
53. “ Lukasiewicz quantum logics”, XVI Incontro di Logica Matematica, Genova (24-26/10/1996).
54. “Fisica e filosofia: il paradosso di Einstein-Podolsky e Rosen”, Corso di perfezionamento in
antropologia e fondamenti delle scienze, University of Urbino, Urbino (22/06/1996).
55. “Time and histories in quantum theory”, Pittsburgh Center Fellows International Conference,
Castiglioncello, Italy (19-24/05/1996).
56. “Fuzzy quantum logics”, Aspects of mechanizing inference, Napoli (30/10-02/11/1995).
57. “Logiche quantistiche di Lukasiewicz ”, Fondamenti e Filosofia della Fisica, Cesena (26-29/09/1994).
58. “Generalized MV algebras and unsharp orthoalgebras”, Department of History and Philosophy
of Science, Cambridge (26/03/1994).
59. “Logiche quantistiche parziali e unsharp”, I Fondamenti della Meccanica Quantistica, Lecce
60. “Brouwer-Zadeh logic and the operational approach to quantum mechanics”, Biannual Meeting
of the International Quantum Structure Association, Castiglioncello, Italy (21-26/09/1992).
61. “Semantics for Brouwer-Zadeh logics”, Ordered Structures, Napoli (14-15/02/1990).
62. “Il problema delle variabili nascoste in meccanica quantistica”, Department of Physics, Uni-
versity of Lecce, Lecce (10-11/11/1989).
63. “Logico-algebraic structures from the unsharp approach to quantum mechanics”, Institute of
Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne (05/05/1989).
64. “Weak quantum logics”, Fondamenti della Meccanica Quantistica, Camerino (31/10-03/11-
65. “Unsharp properties and quantum logics”, Autumn School of Logic and Its Applications, War-
saw (07-15 /10/1988).
66. “Open problems in the logical foundations of quantum theory”, Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Cologne (21/10/1987).
67. “Possible-world semantics for the logic of quantum mechanics”, Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Cologne (21/10/1987).
Referee and Reviewing
Algebra Universalis, Czech Science Foundation (GACR), Flanders Research Foundation (FWO),
Foundations of Physics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems”
International Journal of Theoretical Physics,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Journal of Philosophical Logic, Ministero
Italiano dell’Universit`a e della Ricerca, Studia Logica, Studies in History and Philosophy of
Modern Physics, Tatra Mountains Journal of Mathematics, University of British Columbia,
University of Denver, University of Padua.
Bibliometric indices
Publication years: 1987-2023
H-index: 16
Citations 977
Documents: 99
Co-authors: 54
Google Scholar
Publication years: 1987-2023
H-index: 26
Citations: 2788
Documents: 189
Co-authors: 54