The Johns Hopkins University. Ph.D. in Philosophy, 1973
Specializations: Philosophy of Science, Theory of Knowledge
Dissertation: "Inference and Scientific Discovery"
The University of Sussex, England, M.A. in Philosophy, 1967
Thesis: “Tarski's Semantic Theory of Truth”
Barnard College. B.A. in English Literature, 1966.
Academic Positions:
Stanford University: 2005-
Clarence Irving Lewis Professor in Philosophy, emerita, 2021 -
Professor of Philosophy, 2005-2021
Clarence Irving Lewis Professor of Philosophy, 2008-2021
Chair of the Philosophy Department, 2008 – 2012
University of Minnesota: 1995-2005
Professor of Philosophy and of Women’s Studies;
Member: Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science
Graduate Faculty: History of Science and Technology
Rice University: 1990-1995
Associate Professor of Philosophy, 1990-94; Professor of Philosophy, 1994-5
(On leave: 1993-1994, 1994-1995)
Mills College: 1975-1990
Assistant Professor, 1975-1983; Associate Professor of Philosophy, 1983-1990.
University of California, San Diego: 1971-1975
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 1973-1975;
Acting Assistant Professor, 1971-1973
Honors and Awards:
Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences, elected November, 2021.
Romanell Prize, American Philosophical Association, April, 2021.
Phi Beta Kappa Beta of California 2019 Teaching Award, June, 2019.
Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science, elected November,
Doctor honoris causa, degree conferred by University of Turku School of Economics,
Turku, Finland, May 13, 2016
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, elected April, 2016
Doctor honoris causa, degree conferred by Frij Universiteit Amsterdam, Oct. 20, 2014
Best Book in Feminist Philosophy Prize for 2014 awarded to Studying Human Behavior
by the Women’s Caucus of the Philosophy of Science Association.
Dewey Lecturer, American Philosophical Association – Pacific Division, April 2014.
Elected President of Philosophy of Science Association 2013-2014 (President-Elect
2011-2012, Past President 2015-2016)
Clarence Irving Lewis Professorship in Philosophy, Stanford University, 2008-.
Robert K. Merton Professional Award for the best book in 2002 (awarded by the Section
for Science, Knowledge, and Technology of the American Sociological Association to
The Fate of Knowledge)
Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer, 2002-2004
Scholar of the College, 2002-2005, College of the Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota