Statement of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science  (Brussels) on Russia's aggression against Ukraine

War is not a civilized means of resolving conflicts between states and peoples. Therefore, any reasonable person must strongly condemn Russia's brutal military aggression against Ukraine, especially in view of the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, and targeted destruction of Ukrainian cities and the infrastructure of the state by the Russian military.  We see no justification for settling conflicts between states through war, but advocate diplomatic dialogue, respect of the sovereignty of states and mutual recognition of their right to independence and self-determination. Whether or not the Russian government genuinely believed that the rights of the Russian people in Ukraine were being threatened and their protection did not meet modern ethical and political standards, it had and continues to have a moral obligation to seek peaceful solutions to these issues. There was and is no reason or justification for using military force to achieve these ends.

The Russian President's assertion that the Russian and Ukrainian peoples are one people belongs to the failed ideas of 19th century Pan-Slavism and as such cannot serve as justification for the occupation of Ukrainian territory. In this context, we are concerned that the new model of Pan-Slavism could be used as a pretext for initiating new wars and embarking on new imperialistic campaigns.

We express our deep concern about the destiny of humanity and our planet as a result of the Russian President's order to make nuclear weapons operational. Such reckless actions could lead to  a catastrophe that will have devastating consequences.

We call for an immediate end to the armed conflict, for the initiation of dialogue, and for continuation of peace talks under the auspices of the United Nations.

Since its founding in 1947, our Academy has promoted human values and advocated for the prudent application of science and technology in our life-world. As philosophers, we believe that the idea of "lasting peace between states" (Kant) is not an abstract utopia, but an urgent requirement for democratic society and contemporary civilization. We deeply sympathize with the victims of the war in Ukraine and demand an immediate end to the war and aggression against Ukraine. We also wish to express our empathy with our Ukrainian philosophy colleagues and students who are suffering greatly from the effects of this barbaric war.

We are firmly against the introduction of sanctions in the sphere of scientific and academic cooperation, because we should not tend to a form of self-proclaimed enforcement of justice whereby philosophy and philosophers, academic life as a whole would suffer (fiat iustitia, et pereat philosophia). We hope that Russian and Ukrainian philosophers will work together on the idea of peace, because this is the only option for a common Europe.


1.     Jure Zovko, President of International Academy of Philosophy of Science;

2.     Michel Ghins, Vice President

3.     Reinhard Kahle, Vice President

4.     Marco Buzzoni, Assessor

5.     Gino Tarozzi, Assessor

6.     Evandro Agazzi, past President

7.     Gerhard Heinzmann, past President

8.     Mario Alai

9.     Valentin A. Bazhanov

10.  Johan van Benthem

11.  Giuliano di Bernardo

12.  Chen Bo

13.  Susanne Bobzien

14.  Harvey Brown

15.  Otavio Bueno

16.  Alberto Cordero

17.  Denis G. B. J. Dieks

18.  Brigitte Falkenburg

19.  Ruggero Ferro

20.  Bas Van Fraassen

21.  Steven French

22.  Hans-Peter Großhans

23.  Martin Kusch

24.  Hans Lenk

25.  Sabina Leonelli

26.  Helen E. Longino

27.  James W. McAllister

28.  Michela Massimi

29.  Jean-Guy Meunier

30.  Fabio Minazzi

31.  Daniele Mundici

32.  Engel Pascal

33.  Jean Petitot

34.  Giovanni M. Prosperi

35.  Joelle Proust

36.  Günter Rager

37.  Emma Ruttkamp

38.  Gregor Schiemann

39.  Gerhard Schurz

40.  Peter Schuster

41.  Sonja J. L. Smets

42.  Elliot R. Sober

43.  Ion Stamatescu

44.  Christian Thiel

45.  Jesus Zamora

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