Andreas Hüttemann
CV – Andreas Hüttemann
Since 2010 Chair for Theoretical Philosophy (University of Cologne)
2004 - 2010 Associate Professor for Philosophy of Science at the University of Münster
2002 Locum Professor for Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
1998 – 2004 Lecturer (wiss. Mitarbeiter/Assistant) at Universities of Heidelberg and Bielefeld
Awards, Functions etc.
Since 2020 Elected Member of the Academia Europaea
Since 2020 Elected Member of the European Academy of Sciences
2017 - 2020 Spokesperson of the DFG-funded Research Unit: “Inductive Metaphysics”
Since 2013 Elected Member of the German National Academy of Science Leopoldina
2009 - 2016 Spokesperson of the DFG-funded Research Unit: “Causation, Laws, Dispositions and
Explanation at the Interface of Science and Metaphysics”
2007 - 2102 Associate Editor of Erkenntnis
2002 - 2004 Heisenbergscholarship
2001 - 2006 Elected Member of the Junge Akademie, Berlin
2001 Habilitation at the University of Bielefeld
1999 - 2000 Visiting Scholar in Cambridge/UK
1996 PhD in Philosophy at the University of Heidelberg
1984 - 1991 Diploma in Physics, MA in Philosophy (Studies in Heidelberg, Cambridge/UK, Princeton)
o A Minimal Metaphysics for Scientific Practice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2021.
o Ursachen, de Gruyter, 2 nd revised edition, de Gruyter, Berlin 2018.
o What’s wrong with Microphysicalism? Routledge, London 2004.
o Idealisierungen und das Ziel der Physik, de Gruyter, de Gruyter, Berlin 1997.
Edited Books:
o Explanation in the Special Sciences – The Case of Biology and History (Synthese Library) (co-edited
with Marie Kaiser, Daniel Plenge and Oliver Scholz) Dordrecht: Springer 2013.
o Time, Chance and Reduction, (co-edited with Gerhard Ernst), Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 2010.
o Zur Deutungsmacht der Biowissenschaften, mentis, Paderborn 2008.
o Determinism in Physics and Biology, mentis, Paderborn 2003.
o Kausalität und Naturgesetz in der frühen Neuzeit, Steiner, Stuttgart 2001.
Some Papers:
o „Determinismus – eine empirische These”, Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung (76) 2022,
o “Are we Free to Make the Laws?” (with Christian Loew), Synthese (200/1) 2022.
o “The Problem of Radical Freedom – How Different Conceptions of Laws Affect our Accounts of
Moral Practice” in: Anna Marmodoro, Christopher Austin & Andrea Roselli (eds.) Time, Law and
Free Will, Dordrecht: Springer 2022, 185-198.
o “The Return of Causal Powers?” forthcoming in: Stathis Psillos, Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund
(eds.) Causal Powers in Science: Blending Historical and Conceptual Perspectives, Oxford
University Press 2021, 168-185.
o “Processes, pre-emption and further problems” Synthese (197) 2020, 1487-1509.
o “Potentiality in Biology” (with Marie Kaiser) in: Handbook of Potentiality, ed. by. Kristina
Engelhard and Michael Quante, Springer: Dordrecht 2018, 401-428.
o “Reduction“ (with Alan Love) in: Oxford Handbook for Philosophy of Science ed. by Paul
Humphreys, Oxford 2016, 460-484.
o “Ceteris Paribus Laws“ (with Alexander Reutlinger and Gerhard Schurz) in: Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy, 2015: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ceteris-paribus/
o “Ceteris paribus laws in Physics“ in: Erkenntnis 79 (2014), 1715 – 1728.
o “A Disposition-based Process Theory of Causation“ in: Metaphysics and Science, ed. by Stephen
Mumford and Matt Tugby, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2013, 101 – 122.
o “New work in metaphysics of science“ in: Metascience 2013, 275 – 282.
o “Aspects of Reductive Explanation in Biological Science: Intrinsicality, Fundamentality, and
Temporality“ (with Alan Love) in: British Journal for Philosophy of Science 2011, 519 – 549.
o “Physicalism Decomposed“ (with David Papineau) in: Analysis 65. (2005), 33–39.
o “Explanation, Emergence and Quantum-entanglement“ in: Philosophy of Science 72 (2005),
o “Laws and Dispositions” in: Philosophy of Science 65 (1998), 121 – 135.