Curriculum vitae


Marco Buzzoni


Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze Umane,  I-62100  Macerata





1979                              Degree in Philosophy with full marks and honors ‘Laurea in Filosofia’, 110/110 cum laude] with the dissertation Conoscenza e realtà in K.R. Popper (A12 in the List of Selected pubblications) Knowledge and Reality in K.R. Popper].

dal 1981              Member of editorial staff of the Journal Epistemologia. An International Journal for the Philosophy of Science (Genoa; Editor: Prof. E. Agazzi)

1982                                            ‘Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom’ (highest degree conferred by the German ‘Goethe Institut’, München).

1.5.1983-31.8.1983 Research fellowship for a four-month research at the university  of Würzburg (Germany) granted by the Istituto Italo-Tedesco of Merano.

1984                    Postgraduate diploma in Philosophy, highest university degree in Philosophy to be granted in 1984, comparable only to today’s doctorate [‘Diploma di Perfezionamento in Filosofia’ (110/110 cum laude)] with the dissertation on Semantica, ontologia ed ermeneutica della conoscenza scientifica. Saggio su T.S. Kuhn (A10 in the List of Pubblications)  [Theory of Meaning, Ontology and Hermeneutics of Scientific Knowledge. Essay on T.S. Kuhn].

from 1984 to 1992        Assistant professor [‘Ricercatore Universitario’] at the University of Chieti.

1991-1992                     Temporary professor of ‘History of Ethics’ at the University of Chieti.

1.7.1988-30.6.1989 Research Fellowship by the ‘Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’ at the of University of Würzburg (‘Institut für Philosophie’, Prof. Franz Wiedmann). [Wissenschaft und Person]

1992-1999                     Member of the Board of the Consulting Editors of the journal Ricerca Psicoanalitica (Rom).

1.11.1992-31.10.1996 Associate professor of Philosophy of Science at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Palermo).

1.11.1993-31.7.1994 Research fellowship by the ‘Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’ at the University of Marburg (Institut für Philosophie, Prof. Peter Janich). [Wissenschaft und Technik]

1.11.1995-31.09.1996  Temporary professor of ‘Logic’ at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Palermo.

1.11.1996-30.11.2001 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science at the Department of Philosophy, University of Macerata.

from 1.10.2001   Full Professor of Philosophy of Science at the Department of Philosophy, University of Macerata.

dal 2002                        Member of the Board of the Consulting Editors of the journal Anthropos & Iatria (Genova).    

1.10.2002-31.10.2002 Visiting Professor at the University of Würzburg (Institut für Philosophie I) [Title: “Der wissenschaftstheoretische und methodologische Status der Humanwissenschaften”].

from 1.10. 2003  Temporary professor of “Philosophy of Science” at the University of Genova.

from 2004                     Member of the “International Reviewers Panel” of the journal Medical Science Monitor.

18.6.2004-18.9.2004 Research Fellowship by the ‘Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’ at the University of Marburg (‘Institut für Philosophie’, Prof. Peter Janich). [Title: “Experiment und Gedankenexperiment”]

from 17.9.2005   «Membre correspondant» of the “Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences”.

from 2005                     Member of the Board of the Consulting Editors of the journal Cosmopolis (Perugia).

20.6.2006/20.7.2006     Research Fellowship by the ‘Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’ at the of University of Würzburg (‘Institut für Philosophie’, Prof. W. Baumgartner) [Title: “Gedankenexperiment und Intentionalität”].

1.7.2007-21.7.2007               Visiting Professor (Institut für Philosophie of the University of Würzburg).

from 6.10.2007                         «Membre ordinaire» of the «Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences».

from 2007                                 Member of the Board of the Consulting Editors of the journal Nuova Secondaria (Brescia).

from 9.1.2008                           Member of the Board of the Consulting Editors of the journal Open Social Science Journal (Bentham Group; online review)

30.6.2008-20.7.2008                 Visiting Professor at the Institut für Philosophie of the University of Würzburg.

from 2009                                                  Member of the Board of the Consulting Editors of the Series "Epistemologia" (Angeli publishers)

27.6.2009-19.7.2009                     Visiting Professor at the “Institut für Philosophie” of the university of Würzburg (Socrates Program).

1.7.2010-22.7.2010                       Visiting Professor at the “Institut für Philosophie” of the university of Würzburg (Socrates Program).

2.1.2010-16.1.2010                                   Research Fellowship by the ‘Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’ at the of University of Duisburg-Essen (‘Institut für Philosophie’, Prof. Dirk Hartmann) [Titel:  “Teleologie und Kausalität in der Biologie”].

1.7.2010-20.7.2010                                   Visiting Professor at the “Institut für Philosophie” of the university of Würzburg (Socrates Program).

18.12.2010                                                            Evaluation on behalf of the “Executive Board of the Austrian Science Fund” for an Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship.

2011                                                                       Evaluator of the IHPST at the University of Toronto for a tenure procedure.

1.7.2011-15.7.2011:                      Research Fellowship by the ‘Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’ at the of University of Duisburg-Essen (‘Institut für Philosophie’, Prof. D. Hartmann) [Titel: „Die Grenzen der Evolutionären Wissenschaftstheorie und das Problem des wissenschaftlichen und methodologischen Status der Biologie“.

From 1.1.2012                                                    Associated Editor of the ISI journal „Epistemologia. An Italian Journal for the Philosophy of Science”.

From 1.12.2012                                                  Member of the Board of the Consulting Editors of the journal Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica.


2013-2015                           Head (“Responsabile”) of the “Section of Philosophy and Human Sciences” (Sezione di Filosofia e Scienze Umane) of the “Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici” of the University of Macerata.   

2012-2014                           President of the National Selection Committee for the “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale per il settore concorsuale C-11/2 Storia, Logica e Filosofia della Scienza”.

2014                                     Evaluation procedure of the Public call for research programmes of the National Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).

2015  and 2016                    Evaluation procedure for the “Bando VINCI 2015” of the Université Franco- Italienne. 

From 2015                           Fellow (‘Membre Titulaire’) of the Institut International de la Philosophie (Paris)

From 2016                           Lead Co-Editor (with Evandro Agazzi) of the Annual Issue «Epistemologia» of the Springer journal «Axiomathes

From 15. August 2018 expert belonging to the “review database” of the Alexander von HumboldtStiftung

From September 2018         Member of the “Academic Council” of the Académie International de Philosophie des Sciences

From October 2018             President of the Co-optation Committee of the Institut International de Philosophie (IIP) of Paris.

15.1.2019-15.2.2019 Research Fellowship by “Archives Poincaré” of the university of NancyLorraine (Mathematical Thought Experiments).

2019 Evaluation procedure of the Public call for research programmes of the National Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).

1.4.2019-30.6.2019 Research Fellowship by the ‘Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’ at the

University of Berlin (Technische Hochschule, Prof. Günter Abel): “Gedankenexperimente in den Naturwissenschaften, in der Mathematik und in der Philosophie”.

From 1. January 2021         Member of the „International Advisory Board“ of „Brentano Studies and the Aristotelian Tradition“

From 12. January 2021       Member of the international scientific committee for the publication of Evandro Agazzi's works (President: Prof. Fabio Minazzi)

From 2020                           Member of the teaching board of the PhD programme "HUMANITIES AND TECHNOLOGIES" at the University of Macerata.

From 2020                           Member of the Scientific Committee for the Human Perspectives in Health Sciences and Technology Springer Series ( ).

2021                                     Evaluation procedure of the Public call for research programmes of the National Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).



Genova, 09.04.2021