Fabio Minazzi is full professor of Philosophy of science at the University of Insubria, Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche ed Applicate, where he also teaches Didactics of Philosophy and Hermeneutics. He is also the director of the philosophic review "Il Protagora", come to its XXXIII year of existence in 2005.
Student of modern rationalism (Galileo, Kant), he is primarily interested in XXth Century Epistemology, in its English (Popper, the "new philosophy of science", Lakatos, Feyerabend), French (Bachelard, Lautman, Cavaillès, Petitot) and Italian version (Banfi, Preti and Geymonat), dealing above all with the complex epistemic problem of the objectivity of the scientific knowledge and its relationship with human history and moral philosophy.
For the topic concerned, among the others, many of his contributions in collective works must be remembered: Le ragioni della scienza (with L. Geymonat and G. Giorello), Roma-Bari 1986 (translated in Portuguese in 1989); La realtà della natura e la storia dell’uomo (with V. Tonini), Milan 1989; Filosofia scienza e verità (with Evandro Agazzi and L. Geymonat), Milano 1989; Ragione e storia (with Mario Da the Pra), Milano 1992; Realismo senza dogmi, Milano 1993; Galileo “filosofo geometra”, Milano 1994; Il flauto di Popper, Milano 1994; L’onesto mestiere del filosofare, Milano 1994; La ragione (with L. Geymonat and Carlo Sini), Casale Monferrato 1994; L’epistemologia come ermeneutica della ragione, Genova 1998; La passione della ragione, Mendrisio (Switzerland) 2001; Contestare e creare, Napoli 2004; Teleologia della conoscenza ed escatologia della speranza, Napoli 2004; Le saette dei tartari, Milano 2004; Il cacodémone neoillumunista, Milano 2004; Knowledge in making, Lecce 2005; Filosofia della shoah, Firenze 2006, L'épistémologie comme herméneutique de la raison, Naples-Paris 2006, Neopositivismo y marxismo, Buenos Aires 2006, L. Geymonat epistemologo, Milano-Udine 2010, G. Vailati epistemologo e maestro, Milano-uUdine 2011; Suppositio pro significato non ultimato, Milano-Udine 2011; G. Preti: le opere e i giorni, Milano-Udine 2011, Epistemologia storico-evolutiva e neo-realismo logico, Firenze 2021, Historical Epistemology and European Philosophy of Science, Berlin 2022.
He also edited many volumes and papers of international seminars, among which: Il problema della conoscenza nella realtà contemporanea, Milano 1985, La scienza tra filosofia e storia in Italia nel Novecento, Roma 1987; Il pensiero di Giulio Preti nella cultura del Novecento, Milano 1990; La filosofia della scienza oggi, Napoli 1991; L’oggettività della conoscenza scientifica, Milano 1996; Filosofia, scienza e vita civile nel pensiero di L. Geymonat, Napoli 2003; Biotetica, globalizzazione ed ermeneutica, Milano 2003; Realismo, illuminismo ed ermeneutica, Milano 2004; Filosofia, Scienza e Bioetica nel dibattito contemporaneo, Roma 2007, Albert Einstein filosofo e metodologo, Manduria 2007, 80, Sulla filosofia italiana del Novecento. Prospettive, figure e problemi, Milano 2008, Science and Ethics. The Axiological Contexts of Science, Bruxelles 2008, Le mektoub tunisien de Giulio Preti, Paris 2009, Le forme della razionalità tra realismo e normatività, Milano-Udine 2009, L. Geymonat un Maestro del Novecento, Milano 2009, Kant e il problema del trascendentale, Milano-Udine 2010, Evolutionism and religion, Milano-Udine 2011, «La causa dei lumi e della libertà», Milano-Udine 2012, Il contributo di G. Preti al razionalismo critico europeo, Milano-Udine 2012, Epistemologia e soggettività. Oltre il relativismo, Firenze 2013, Nel sorriso banfiano, Milano-Udine 2013, Natura, uomo, montagna, Milano-Udine 2013, Il dottore e la faconda dottrina. Scavi alle fondamenta del linguaggio bioetico, Milano-Udine 2014, Sul Bios theoretikós di G. Preti, Milano-Udine 2015, 2 voll., Sulla filosofia della scienza di E. Agazzi, Milano-Udine 2015, L’Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences, Milano-Udine 2015; Filosofi antifascisti, Milano-Udine 2016. K. R. Popper, II mondo di Parmenide, Casale Monferrato 1998, J. Kóler, Nietzsche. Il segreto di Zarathustra, Milano 1994, G. Preti, Lezioni di filosofia della scienza, Milano 1989, G. Preti, Philosophical Essays. Critical Rationalism as Historical-objective Transcendentalism, edited by F. Miazzi, Bruxelles 2011, C. Cattaneo, Scritti sulle trasversali alpine, Mendrisio (Svizzera) 2001, of the Nobel Prize R. Dulbecco, Scienza e società oggi, Mendrisio (Svizzera) 2002 (reprinted: Milano 2004), J. Petitot, Per un nuovo illuminismo, Milano 2009, E. Agazzi, Ragioni e limiti del formalismo, Milano 2012 and D. Menicanti, Il concerto del grillo, Milano-Udine 2013; L’idioma di quel doce di Calliope labbro. Difesa della lingua e della cultura italiana nell’epoca dell’anglofonia globale, Milano-Udine 2017, Mario Dal Pra nella “Scuola di Milano”, Milano-Udine 2018, La scuola dell’ignornza, Milano-Udine 2019, Idea assurda per un filmakers: Luna, 2020, G. Preti, Retorica e logica. Nuova edizione emendata e arricchita con Introduzione e apparato di note, Milano 2018; A. Pozzi, Pr9imo Album, Milano-Udine 2018, Sulla Scuola di Milano, Firenze 2019, The Traditions of European Critical Rationalism, Milano-Udine 2020, Scienxce and Inteprertation, Milano-Udine 2020, Fare filosofia in italiano fra ottocento e Novecento, Milano-Udine 2021, F. Papi, Figli del tempo. Eravamo studenti impegnati (1950-1952), Milano-Udine 2021, La moralità come prassi. Caerteggio Ludovico Geymonat – Antonio Giolitti 1941-1965, Milano-Udine 2022.
Awards: in relation to the quality and overall impact of its publication and its scientific research program, in recognition of his research theoretical and epistemological, he was a dedicated volume, with significant and qualified national and international collaborations, Le radici del razionalismo critico: saperti, pratiche e teleologie, edited by Dario General, Milan-Udine 2015, 2 vols.
Awards: in 2000 he was awarded the Gold Medal AICVAS for research and teaching, in 2001 he received the Award of Premio-Omegna (section essays), while in 2010 he was awarded by an international jury, the second prize dell'Edimburg Gadda prize sponsored by the University of Edinburgh.

From 2015 full Professor, sector M-FIL/02 Philosophy of Science with the task of teaching Theoretical Philosophy and Epistemology and philosophy of communication (degree) at the University of Insubria in Varese.
2003-2015 Full Professor, sector M-FIL/01, Theoretical philosophy who taught from 2001 to 2008 at the University of Lecce (then University of Salento) and from 2009 to 2015 at the University of Insubria Varese.
2001-2003 Extraordinary, sector M-FIL/01,Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Lecce, where he also taught Teaching philosophy and Eermeneutics of communication.
In 2001 he participated in a competition for professor of the first band organized by the University of Studi of Siena (Arezzo), in the sector M-FIL/01, achieving the suitability to the role of professor.
From 1999 to 2004 he taught philosophy at the third and fourth years, which teaches part-time (five years), as the winner of an international competition, at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio University of Italian Switzerland.
From 1989 to 1992 he held a PhD in Philosophy of Science at the University of Genoa (consortium with the University of Bologna, with the University of Milan and the University of Trento ), studying in Paris at the ''Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales", the "Centre Alexandre Koyré" and "CREA, Ecole Polytechnique".

2013-2016 President of the course in Communication Sciences and President of the course in Sciences and Techniques of Communication of the University of Insubria.
2013-2016 Member of the Commission Guidance, University of Insubria
2012-2022 Member of the Academic Board of the PhD Program in Law and Human Sciences
2010 Member of the Committee for the redefinition of departmental areas of the University of Insubria
2010 Member of the Commission for the drafting of the Statute of the University of Insubria
2001-2008 Member of the Academic Board of the PhD in historical and philosophical of the University of Lecce (then University of Salento)

2010-2022 Scientific Director of the International Centre Insubrico "C. Cattaneo" and "G. Preti" for Philosophy, Epistemology, Cognitive Science and the History of Science and Techniques of the University of Insubria.
2007-2022 active member of the ''Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences” Brussels
2006-2007 correspondent member of the ''Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences” Brussels
2003-2022 Director of the magazine "Il Protagora”
2002-2022 corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences Pugliese
2006-2022 editor of "Arkete. Rivista di filosofia"
2005-2018 editor of "Post-filosofia. Rivista di pratica filosofica e scienze umane"
2002-2018 editor of "Quaderni Materialisti"
2001-2002 Director and head of the "Documentation Centre" of the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio University of Italian Switzerland
2000-2007 member of the committee of reading "Oltrecorrente"
1997-2022 editor of "Communicazione Filosofica" SFI’s journal on-line of Research and Teaching philosophical
1999-2001, editor of "Il Voltaire"
1997-2001 Director of the magazine "Agorà"
1990-2018 editor of the magazine "Epistemologia"
1990-1994 editor of "Marx centouno"
1984-1994 editor of the "Rivista di storia della filosofia"

2012-2022 co-director of the series "Epistemologia" publisher Franco Angeli Milan
2003-2022 Director of the series "Saggi del Protagora" Editor Manni Lecce
1985-1998 Director of the collection "Quaderni dell’Università Popolare di Varese”

Since 2006 I have participated in all the international conferences promoted by ''Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences” Brussels
From 2011 to today I organized and chaired all the international conferences promoted, annually, by the Centro Internazionale Insubrico